Road Trip 2014 Spring Break - Yakima WA, Bend OR, Newport OR, Cannon Beach OR

Click here for Russel Kwan and Wendy Kwan Black and White Fine Art Photography Home Page

Day 6 - Prineville Reservoir

Emma's mid morning nap. She's resting up before the afternoon adventures begin.

We went looking for the local breaking bad hippie resort near Prineville - we found it on Google earth, complete with destroyed trailers and burned out cars. Alas, it seems to have been largely cleaned up. Except for these hippies, complete with VW bus, kicking up more dirt than our 4-Runner, and hitting potholes harder. We can hear them all yell, "wheeeee" on every bump.


Aaak! We're all the way out at this stupid reservoir and now it's hailing all over me!

The Vigil.

Hail sticks to Emma.

Robert Smithson's much less known work, "Snaky Jetty".

Bowling for Shelties - the face-off.

Bowling for Shelties - The Bowl.

Absolute happiness.

As we pull away from the reservoir shores, the hails come yet again.

The mighty Crooked River in a much less crooked mood.


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